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Eugene Seah, Chief Coach, Trainium Academy

As an entrepreneur, what is it that motivates and drives you?
My mission in life is to help everyone #sayyestoabundance, and this drives everything I do, from speaking to coaching.


What would you say are the key elements for starting and running a successful business?
From my own experience, there are 3 key elements to running a successful business, all starting with M:

  • Mindset: an entrepreneur will have a growth mindset of constant learning and adapting
  •  Money: an entrepreneur learns to negotiate and manage cashflow, as well as invest his profits
  •  Mastery: an entrepreneur keeps honing his skills until he achieves mastery in his field


What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs who are starting out?
100% determination is critical. Entrepreneurs who tell themselves “let me try and see how” will definitely fail. Entrepreneurs who achieve their goals  are those who tell themselves “I will do whatever it takes to succeed.”


How do you think you can help the youth entrepreneurs at *SCAPE?
I can help them with their mindset and skillset:

  • Mindset: I leverage on NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) techniques to motivate entrepreneurs
  •  Skillset: I coach entrepreneurs to improve their personal brand and financial management skills to expedite success