What is BUSK STOP by *SCAPE?
BUSK STOP by *SCAPE aims to promote greater interaction among youth, and to support youth aspirations in busking. Whether it is to hone your busking skills or simply to try out fresh ideas, BUSK STOP by *SCAPE is committed to provide a supportive environment for youth buskers in reaching out to a wider audience and be part of a community of interest.
What sparked off BUSK STOP by *SCAPE?
Beyond the programmes that *SCAPE organises, we recognise the importance of having ground-up programmes with their own following and in different art forms because the interest of youth are very diverse. It is in this spirit that *SCAPE is introducing BUSK STOP, which will provide greater exposure and support for youth talents to experiment and showcase different busking acts.
How to apply?
- Register with us here!
- You may submit more than 1 application if you intend to busk on multiple days.
- Auditions are not required.
- Wait for our confirmation email.
Registration requirements:
- All solo applicants MUST be between 15 – 35 years old (inclusive), and either a Singaporean or PR.
- For individuals 36 years old and above, you MUST register as a group/band that consists of all Singaporean/PR and at least 50% of members between 15 – 35 years old (inclusive).
- You are required to obtain parental consent if you are 15 -17 years old (inclusive). A form will be sent to you via email upon successful registration.
Venue: 111 Somerset
Available Slots: Wed, Fri & Sat, 12pm – 8pm